
Aug 7, 20222 min read
What is "recovery"?
recovery is usually defined as "getting something back" or returning to "normal", but this definition is stuck in the past and limits us.

Dec 31, 202015 min read
Case Closed: Reporting Rape to the Police (UK)
Reporting rape to the police is about you and only you. I'm sharing my experience in the UK of reporting and proceeding with a rape case.

Sep 30, 20207 min read
How Writing Helps Me "Heal"
Writing has provided a person-free outlet, a mirror, and empowering validation.

Sep 24, 20204 min read
Overcoming the Inner Doubt
There is still this doubt that bites away at me, asking whether it's really a big deal, or if I'm just making it seem like one.

Jul 13, 20203 min read
"Don't touch me": my experience with irritability and PTSD in a relationship
Since choosing to talk about sexual trauma; read about it, research it, write about it; I have been re-experiencing PTSD symptoms.
Jul 11, 20209 min read
Personal Story: 'The Physical Implications of a Violated Spirit'
This is a lived experience of healing from an early event of sexual assault.

Jun 9, 20203 min read
Why is saying "victim" important?
I told myself that I was responsible as much as he was.
It was easier to believe that.
The truth of it is this: I was not responsible.